21 Mar 2014

What next for Africa-EU Relations? LIVE Google Hangout

What next for Africa-EU Relations?

On 2-3 April Africa and EU leaders will meet in Brussels to agree a way forward of this 50 year old relationship. Both continent face a few questions in a changed world Is the relationship in its current form sustainable? What about the joint institutions through which the relationship is managed? Are they still relevant today? What will happen after the Cotonou Agreement expires in 2020 Are the regional groupings founded on colonial ideology still relevant today? 

Is the relationship flexible enough to deal with changes within the international community such as the new providers of development aid? Join us as we explore these issues. main Discussants include, Jimmy Kainja- Media Scholar and Lecturer in media studies,  TMS Ruge- Lead Social Media Consultant at the World Bank Georgina Awoonor-Gordon-Programme Manager Common Ground Initiative: Enterprise & Employment ¦Health- COMIC RELIEF.

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